KONSTAN (Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika) enlisted with p-ISSN 2460-9129 and e-ISSN 2460-9110 and published per semester on January-June and July-December by the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Mataram in collaboration with the Indonesian Physics Education Study Program Association (PPPFI). KONSTAN is published twice a year and nationally accredited by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia (RISTEKDIKTI), Nomor: 200/M/KPT/2020 (23 December 2020). This Journal focuses on Physics Education Research, Media Development and Learning Model of Physics, Evaluation and Assessment of Learning Physics, Research and Development of Physics Education, Physics theory, and Applied Physics.
Journal Title : KONSTAN (Jurnal Fisika dan Pendidikan Fisika)
Language : English
Accreditation : Sinta 4 SK. 200/M/KPT/2020 23th December 2020 (re-accreditation process)
Frequency: 2 issues per year
DOI :10.20414/konstan.v2i2.
Printed ISSN: 2460-9129
Online ISSN: 2460-9110
Publisher : Program Studi Tadris Fisika FTK UIN Mataram dan Perkumpulan Prodi Pendidikan Fisika Indonesia (PPPFI)
Citation Analysis: Google Scholar, Dimensions
Editor in Chief: Muh. Wahyudi