With the establishment of the new Tadris Physics study program at the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Mataram as a forum for dedication and development of science in the field of Physics and Physics Education, it is expected to be a source of information and publications, especially for lecturers, researchers, and teachers. Thus, the Tadris Physics study program of FTK UIN Mataram provides opportunities for lecturers, researchers, and teachers to publish their work through publication journals that have received p-ISSN (printed International Standard of Serial Number) and e-ISSN (electronic International Standard of Serial Number). Through continuous journal publications, it is hoped that lecturers can work even more.
KONSTAN is the name we propose to identify the world of education, especially Physics. The representation of KONSTAN is based on the consideration that the word is often mentioned in everyday physics calculations.
KONSTAN means fixed or no change. In this case, constant or no change does not mean no progress. However, it is always hoped that we can publish the journal by the planned time. It can still be published twice a year in print and online. Thus, lecturers, researchers, and teachers must continuously conduct research for this journal's smooth publication.
Hopefully, KONSTAN can become a journal that has excellent credibility..